Trinity Concepts (2.09) Man's Body

Mesoderm- structural

Ectoderm- communications

Endoderm- engine


When one’s body is not feeling well, or on the contrary, is fresh out of bed, after a sound night’s sleep, the soul (our mind, emotions and will) are affected by that condition negatively or positively.  The same holds true with our human personalities.  Our physical make-up affects our soulish personality. 

In embryology, there are three main aspects of development, the mesoderm, ectoderm and endoderm.  The mesoderm is the structural, skeletal development.  The ectoderm is the nervous system, while the endoderm is the fueling (engine) system of the human body.  The mesoderm relates to the will of the soul, as the will provides structure and stability for the mind and the emotions to operate.  The ectoderm relates to the mind, as nerves receive information for processing, and the endoderm relates to the emotions of the soul, fluctuating based upon anxiety or joy. 

Each of these three main characteristics of the human body: the Structural system, the Communication system and the Energy system are found in all of us; however, we have each been created with a certain ‘bent’, if you will, physically. 

I recently read in a fitness magazine, an article characterized by three types of workout routines for the Mesomorph, Ectomorph and Endomorph.  They gave a fourth kind of workout for the Combination body type, which relates to the concept of the Phlegmatic personality being a blend of the three soul areas: mind, emotion and will.

As we each have a physical body, which leans toward one of these three areas, our human souls follow suit.  On very broad terms, look at those who are structurally muscular and notice their tendencies toward the choleric or phlegmatic personalities.  Notice the ‘skinnier, long-limbed’ types leaning toward the melancholy personality traits, and those who have natural food-storing capabilities having sanguine tendencies.  It is also important to note that each of us have varying degrees of all three categories, all blending together, yet creating an end result of uniqueness for each individual.

According to the promise of Scripture, the return of Christ manifests a change in the creation and hence in our physical human bodies as well, where the death and decay of the natural realm is swallowed up by the supernatural life of God.  It appears that the most profound change to our bodies is in the Ectoderm, which correlates to the current natural realm and the Holy Spirit’s presence here at this time.

When the Sadducees questioned Jesus concerning the resurrection of the dead, He replied to them, "You are mistaken, not understanding the Scriptures, or the power of God.  For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God." (Matt. 22:29-30)


(for more study, see the Trinity Concepts Key)